神戸市立博物館から旧居留地を歩こう 及び 常設展見学会
Walking Tour: Kobe City Museum and Old Foreign Settlement, plus Encounter with permanent exhibition at Museum

概要 Outline

 The opening of Kobe Port in 1868 (shortly before Meiji) was quickly accompanied by the creation of the Foreign Settlement area where foreigners were allowed to freely reside and conduct business.
 Foreign settlements were also introduced in Yokohama, Kobe, Osaka, Tokyo, etc., but were abolished and repatriated in Year Meiji 32, or 1899, by revision of relevant treaties. So, in Kobe, the place came to be known as the “Old Foreign Settlement”.
 In the former settlement area around Kobe City Museum are many spots where you can intimately feel Kobe’s history through numerous historic sites and monuments scattered around there. You are bound to run into them as you walk around in search of retro-looking buildings.
 Taking the opportunity of the 150th anniversary of the port’s opening this year, we have arranged for a “Walking Tour of the Old Foreign Settlement” which would allow you to enjoy the cityscape with an exotic atmosphere.
Following the tour, you are welcome to take a tour through the city museum’s permanent show. So do make sure to join the fun event!

DATE & TIME Oct. 14 (Sat), 2017; 10:00~12:00
PLACE Kobe City Museum and The Old Settlement
APPLICANTS International students staying in Kobe
CAPACITY 10 persons. first-come/first-served basis
DEADLINE Apply by Oct. 13 (Fri)
FEE Free of charge



開催日時 2017年10月14日(土) 10:00~12:00
開催場所 神戸市立博物館 及び 旧居留地
対象者 神戸市内在住の留学生
定員 先着10名様まで(解説は日本語で行います)
締切 10月13日(金)但し、定員になり次第締め切り
参加費 無料